Welcome to RecoverWell
Personal Recovery Addiction Coaches
RecoverWell is for persons trying to recover from addictions who, because of their unique personal circumstances, professional positions or social standing, prefer private and completely confidential, one-on-one attention, from a Personal Recovery Coach. Our coaches have all personally recovered from addiction, so they know exactly what it takes to achieve a lasting recovery.
At RecoverWell, our Recovery Coaches provide you with the necessary keys and resources to help you on your journey towards sobriety.

True Peer Partnership
Emotional and social support, active listening, experience sharing, mutual trust.

Recovery Care Network
Our network allows you to work with psychologists, social workers, psychiatrists, therapists, nurse practitioners, spiritual counselors, drug & alcohol counselors, nutritionists, and outpatient programs.

Personalized Care Plan
Our coaches develop a personal self-care plan to facilitate and to individualize your recovery.
What Coaches Do
What A Recovery Coaches Does.
Our coaches become your personal companion and mentor, but we also do much more than that. We are in fact there, every step of the way.
What you need to do for yourself.
Accept your illness and recognize it as a lifelong condition with the potential for relapse. Make a personal commitment to living a sober life and/or managing your mental health/emotional issues. Learn to recognize triggers and how to manage/redirect them. Learn ways to cope with different situations and challenging emotions. Finally, anticipate problems and develop healthy strategies to resolve them appropriately. Contact us today to get started!